The 10th East Asian Nuclear Forum

  • Date 2024.11.11
  • Hit 401
Date/Time: October 22, 2024 / 9:00-18:20 (CTS, TST)
Venue: Dunhuang Hotel, China

[Session1 - Opening Ceremony] (09:00-09:40)
Opening Remarks
Mr. CAO Shudong, Executive Vice Chairman,
China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA)

Mr. MASUI Hideki, President, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)
Mr. NOH Baeksik, Executive Vice Chairman, Korea Atomic Industrial Forum (KAIF)
Dr. LEE Min, Managing Supervisor, 
Taiwan Nuclear Grade Industry Association (TNA)

[Session2 - Keynote Speech] (09:40-11:00)
The Status and Prospects of Nuclear Energy Development in Chinese Mainland”
Mr. ZHANG Tingke, Director of the Expert Committee, China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA) 

“The Nuclear Power Outlook of Korea”
Mr. JEONG Seungrak, Senior Manager, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP)

“The Status and Prospects of Nuclear Energy Development in Japan”
Mr. Masui Hideki, President, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)

“The Current Status of Nuclear Energy in Chinese Taiwan”
Mr. LIAO Shyh-Horng, Advisor, Nuclear Science & Technology Association

[Session3 - Roundtable Discussion) (11:20-12:20)
Facing the Future, Building a Safety Community for Nuclear Energy Development
 * Topic 1. Technological innovation promotes the safe development of nuclear energy
   Topic 2. Opportunities and challenges in strengthening the safe development of nuclear energy in East Asia

 - Moderator : Mr. CAO Shudong, Executive Vice Chairman,
China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA)
 - Participants : Mr. ZHANG Tingke, Director of the Expert Committee, China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA) 
                     Mr. MASUI Hideki, President, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)
                     Mr. NOH Baeksik, Executive Vice Chairman, Korea Atomic Industrial Forum (KAIF)
                     Dr. LEE Min, Managing Supervisor, 
Taiwan Nuclear Grade Industry Association (TNA)

[Session4 - Radioactive Wastes Management and Public Acceptance] (14:00-15:40)
"Current Status of Radioactive Waste Management in Chinese Mainland"
Mr. ZHAO Yongkang, Specially invited expert of CNEA

"National R&D Program in Progress for DGR and role of Generic URL in Korea"
Mr. LEE Jeonghwan, Team Head, Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD)

"Current Status of Deep Geological Repository Program in Japan"
Mr. NISHIO Hikaru, Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan (NUMO)

"Current Status of Spent Nuclear Fuel Disposal in Taiwan"
Dr. HUANG Ching-Tsuen, Advisor, 
Taiwan Nuclear Grade Industry Association (TNA)

[Session5 - Technical Innovation and Engineering Practices] (15:40-17:20)
"Progress of HLW Disposal and The Beishan URL in Chinese Mainland"
Mr. WANG Ju, Chief Scientist of China National Nuclear Corporation&Chief Designer of The Beishan Underground Research Laboratory(URL)

"Current Status of Core Technology Development for Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Disposal"
Mr. KIM Kyungsu, President, Institute for Korea Spent Nuclear Fuel(IKSNF)

"Status of R&D on Geological Disposal in Japan"
Mr. HASEGAWA Takuma, Senior Research Scientist & Program Manager, Sustainable System Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)

"Design Concept of LLW Disposal Facility in Chinese Taiwan"
Mr. CHEN Tiao-Ching, Advisor, Nuclear Science & Technology Association

"Waste Management and Practical Experience of Nuclear Power Plants under the CGN Group Plant"
Mr. ZHANG Ming,General Manager, CGN Environmental Protection Industry Company

[Session 6 - Closing Ceremony] (07:10-18:20)
Closing Remarks
Mr. CAO Shudong, Executive Vice Chairman, China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA)

Mr. MASUI Hideki, President, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)
Mr. NOH Baeksik, Executive Vice Chairman, Korea Atomic Industrial Forum (KAIF)
Dr. LEE Min, Managing Supervisor, 
Taiwan Nuclear Grade Industry Association (TNA)