About EANF

Nuclear energy safety serves as a lifeline for the development and utilization of nuclear energy and an important basis for international cooperation in nuclear energy. Though nuclear energy safety is the responsibility of individual countries or regions, nuclear accidents may occur across national borders, exerting a significant impact on neighboring countries and regions.
At present, in the midst of a global drive to upgrade traditional means of energy generation, the adoption of clean and low-carbon sources of energy has become a common development goal across a wide range of countries around the world.
Countries and regions in East Asia have made different decisions regarding the development and utilization of nuclear energy, but have a high level of consensus on tightening nuclear energy safety.
The East-Asian Nuclear Forum (EANF), first held in Tokyo under its former name of “East-Asian Nuclear Energy Forum” in April 2013, serves as a solid platform for nuclear safety cooperation among nuclear energy organizations in East Asia. At the Forum, the four participating organizations (China Nuclear Energy Association: CNEA, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum: JAIF, Korea Atomic Industrial Forum: KAIF, Taiwan Nuclear Grade Industry Association: TNA) in the neighboring countries/regions in East Asia discuss the regional issues of nuclear energy development and safety on an annual basis.
On November 5, 2018 at the 6th edition of EANF, the four participating organizations concluded an MOU to promote cooperation in safe and peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The purpose of this MOU is to further contribute to the sound development of the nuclear industry and to ensure high level of safety. Cooperative activities focus on safety promotion of nuclear life-cycle, to that end, exchanging information and mutual experiences shall be carried out. A forum shall be convened annually by the Organizations in regular sequence and it shall be called the “East-Asian Nuclear Forum.”

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China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA)China Nuclear Energy Association is a national non-profit social organization established with the approval of the State Council and the approval of the Ministry of Civil Affairs in April 2007. To make good progress in communication and information exchange among the government, regulators, member organizations, and domestic/international counterparts, CNEA is promoting the nuclear power as the baseload of the future energy.

More than 400 members of the association come from the enterprises, institutes, and organizations in the nuclear business such as construction and installation, operation, research and design, equipment manufacturing, fuel, education and training and some international members.

EPOC : Zhang Tingke
APOC : Chang Bing  

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Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF) The Japan Atomic Industrial Forum was incorporated in March 1956, as a comprehensive nonprofit organization for nuclear energy. Its objective has been to promote peaceful uses of nuclear energy and technology to support sound development of the national economy and well-being. JAIF became the first NGO that was awarded “consultative status” by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 1960.

JAIF is unique in having a broad membership comprising about 400 member organizations, ranging from nuclear-related businesses, including utility companies, vendors, and R&D institutes, to organizations such as local governments.

EPOC : Arai Shiro
APOC : Fujiwara​​​​​​​ Takanori 

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Korea Atomic Industrial Forum (KAIF) The Korea Atomic Industrial Forum was established as a public organization in 1972 to represent the Korean nuclear industry. KAIF is a professional organization of the members from the government, industry, academic and research institutes devoted to beneficial and industrial applications of nuclear science and technology.

On behalf of its 124 corporate members, KAIF has also dedicated to continuous development of nuclear industry and national economy by promoting various projects: developing human resources, building cooperation network, and expanding public acceptance.

EPOC : Noh Baek-sik
APOC : Kim Jin-sil  

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Taiwan Nuclear Grade Industry Association (TNA) The Taiwan Nuclear Energy Industry Development Association was established on June 14, 2010. TNA is a non-profit social organization established in accordance with the law to promote the application of Taiwan’s nuclear-grade industry, thereby enhancing the technology of nuclear industry and building a platform for development, so as to ensure the sustainable development of Taiwan ’s nuclear-grade industry.

To cultivate international nuclear markets, TNA is providing services such as technology, business supports, and policies to its members. 48 member organizations of the association come from the enterprises, institutes, and organizations in the nuclear business such as engineering services, consulting agencies, manufacturing and installation, and academic research institutions.

EPOC : Hsu Yung-hui
APOC : Liu Yu-wei