The 9th East Asian Nuclear Forum

  • Date 2022.11.07
  • Hit 3,166
Date/Time: October 24, 2022 / 9:15-16:35 (CTS, TST), 10:15-17:35 (KST, JST)
Meeting style: Online (Webex)

Opening Remarks
Mr. LEE Tzong-Ming, Chairman, Taiwan Nuclear Grade Industry Association (TNA)

Distinguished Guest's Remarks
Mr. CHIEN Fu-Tien, Vice President/CEO of Nuclear Power Division, Taipower

Opnening Session (10:20-12:30)
“Current Status and Future Development of NPP Construction and Nuclear Power Generation in East Asia”

[Presentation from China]
The Status, Tendency and Prospects of Nuclear Energy Development in Chinese Mainland”
Mr. ZHANG Tingke, Vice Chairman and SG, China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA) 

[Presentation from Japan-1]
“Current Status of Nuclear in Japan”
Mr. ARAI Shiro
, President, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)

[Presentation from Japan-2]
“Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning Current Status and Challenges”
Mr. IIZUKA Naoto
, Chief Technology Officer for D&D, Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination and Decommissioning Engineerring Company, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (TEPCO)

[Presentation from Korea]
“Korean Nuclear Industry Updates”
Mr. KANG JAe-yuel, Executive Vice Chairman and Chief  Operating Officer, Korea Atomic Industrial Forum (KAIF) 

[Presentation from Taiwan]
“Current Status and Future Development of NPP Construction and Nuclear Pwer Generation in Taiwan”
Mr. HSI Yung-Hui, Vice Chairman, Taiwan Nuclear Grade Industry Association (TNA) 

Lunch Break (12:30-13:10)

Session 1 (13:10-14:20)
“High/low Radioactive Waste Treatment and Management”

[Presentation from China]
“Waste Management in Chinese Mainland
Mr. ZHAO Yongkang, Senior Expert, China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA)

[Presentation from Japan]
“Overview and Current Status of Geological Disposal Project in Japan”
Mr. KIBOTA Shigeru, Director, Science and Technology Department, Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan (NUMO)

[Presentation from Korea]
“Current Status of RWM in the Republic of Korea”
Mr. OH Ju-ho, Director, Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD)

[Presentation from Taiwan]
“Current Status of Radioactive Waste Final Disposal Program in Taiwan”,
Mr. CHANG Jen-Kum, Chief, LLW Final Disposal Section, Department of Nuclear Backend Management, Taipower

Break (15:20-15:30)

Session 2 (15:30-17:10)
“Latest Progress in Nuclear Decommissioning and Experience Sharing”

[Presentation from Japan]
“Current Situation and Challenges on Decommissioning of NPPs in JAPAN”
Mr. YAMAUCHI Toyoaki, Director, The Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC)

[Presentation from Korea]
“Decommissioning Activities&Plan”
Mr. OH Eu-tteum, Senior Manager, Decommissioning Project Section, KHNP 

[Presentation from Taiwan]
Update on Chinshan NPP Decommissioning Project”
Mr. HUANG Ku-Fu, Chief, Decommissioning Section, Department of Nuclear Backend Management, Taipower

Break (17:10-17:15)

Closing Remarks (17:15-17:35)

Mr. ZHANG Tingke, Vice Chairman and SG, China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA)
Mr. ARAI Shiro, President, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)
Mr. KANG Jae-yuel, Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer, Korea Atomic Industrial Forum (KAIF)
Mr. Chen Pu-Tsan, Honorable Chairman, Taiwan Nuclear Grade Industry Association (TNA)

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