The 8th East Asian Nuclear Forum

  • Date 2021.12.13
  • Hit 4,534
Date/Time: November 17, 2021 / 10:15-17:35 JST
Meeting style: Online (zoom)

Opening Remark
Mr. ARAI Shiro, President, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)

Opnening Session (10:15-12:10)
“Current Status of Nuclear Industry in East Asia (including countermeasures for COVID-19)”

[Presentation from China]
The Status, Tendency and Prospects of Nuclear Energy Development in Chinese Mainland”
Mr. ZHANG Tingke, Vice Chairman and SG, China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA) 

[Presentation from Korea]
“Status of KOREA Nuclear Power”
Mr. KOO Hyung-mo, Senior Manager, Technology Policy Section, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. (KHNP) 

[Presentation from Taiwan]
“Current Status of Nuclear Industry in Taiwan”
Mr. CHANG Ruei-Lin, Deputy Director of Department of Nuclear Generation, Taipower 

[Presentation from Japan]
“Current Status of Nuclear in Japan”
Mr. ARAI Shiro
, President, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)

 “The Current Status of Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning including ALPS Treated Water Management”
Mr. IRINO Takayuki, Deputy General Manager of Project Management Office at Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination and
Decommissioning Engineering Company (FDEC) Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings

Video: "The current situation at Fukushima Daiichi NPS" -From 3.11 toward the future- (ver. Mar. 2021)

Lunch Break (12:10-13:20)

Session 1 (13:20-15:20)
“Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management”

Moderator: Mr. UETAKE Akihito, Senior Managing Director, JAIF

[Presentation from Taiwan]
“Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management in Taipower”,
Mr. SHEN Cheng-Wei, Radiological Protection subsection head, Department of Nuclear Generation, Taipower

[Presentation from China]
Geological Disposal of High Level Radioactive Waste in Chinese Mainland andDesign for Beishan URL”
Mr. WANG Ju, Vice President and the Project Chief Engineer, Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology (BRIUG), CNNC

[Presentation from Korea]
“Current Status of RWM in the Republic of Korea”
Mr. OH Ju-ho, Director, Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD)

[Presentation from Japan]
“Overview and Current Status of Geological Disposal Project in Japan”
Mr. KAKU Kenichi, Manager, Technology Integration Group, Science and Technology Department,
Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan (NUMO)

Break (15:20-15:30)

Session 2 (15:30-17:10)
“Trends in Nuclear Innovation, Advanced Reactor and SMR Development”

Moderator: Mr. TAKAHASHI Akio, Senior Advisor, JAIF

[Presentation from Korea]
“i-SMR Technology Development”
Mr. LEE Do-hwan, Director, KHNP Central Research Institute, KHNP (KHNP CRI)

[Presentation from China]
The R&D Status and Market Prospects of SMR in Chinese Mainland”
Mr. ZHAO Chengkun, Deputy Director, the Experts Committee of China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA).

[Presentation from Japan]
“Operation restart and status of HTTR”
Dr. ISHITSUKA Etsuo, General Manager, HTTR Reactor Engineering Section, Department of HTTR,
HTGR Research and Development Center, Oarai Research and Development Institute, Sector of Fast
Reactor and Advanced Reactor Research and Development, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA).

Break (17:10-17:15)

Closing Remarks (17:15-17:35)

Mr. ZHANG Tingke, Vice Chairman, China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA)
Mr. KANG Jae-yuel, Executive Vice Chairman, Korea Atomic Industrial Forum (KAIF)
Mr. HSU Yung-Hui, Vice Chairman, Taiwan Nuclear Grade Industry Association (TNA)
Mr. ARAI Shiro, President, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)